Propagating Succulents

I love succulents. They remind me of my grandma because she always had them growing around her home. They are the perfect plant to grow in dish gardens in your home and on patio areas. They have a multitude of varieties and colors and add interest where ever they live.
But...They can be pricey.

Let's face it. These little pretties aren't cheap and a small set usually runs around $3. Therefore,when making a succulent dish garden it can become expensive to get a nice variety and enough to fill a dish. So I decided to try propagation! And I found it's pretty easy to do!

First you just need to collect some leaves from your succulents. You can do so by gently wiggling them back and forth until you hear a little snap.

After you have collected the ones you wish to propagate allow the ends to dry. This can take a couple of days all the way up to a week.. Once the ends are dry place them in a dish of soil in filtered light. I keep mine on my desk where they get nice filtered light through my sheers and I can enjoy them while I work.

Spritz the ends with water to keep them moist but don't over water or they'll rot. Think of the leaf as food for the baby that will grow at the tip. The baby will root into the dirt and will continue to grow with the large leaf dwindling away after time. Be careful not to pull the leaf off to soon as it could damage your baby plant. 

Below is what your babies will look like once they appear at the leaf end.

Allow the babies to grow and transplant to a larger pot when they have matured a bit.

Easy - Smart - Inexpensive - Succulents

Good luck and happy propagating!

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And please, don't mess with the garden! Ha!