I remember the day I got my very first puppy. She had ran under a house with all her little brother and sisters to hide and I didn't think I would get a puppy that day. I was so sad but the owner offered to try one more time to get one for me and he reached as far as he could and out he came with a sweet little puppy. I didn't ask him try for any more. She was the one for me and I hugged her tight and named her on the spot. I said.."This is my little Muffin." Ill never forget riding home with my dog in my lap and a bag of puppy chow next to me. This was a day that started a life long love of dogs. So here's to Muffin my sweet little pup who started it all.
Did you have a first puppy that started a life long love of dogs as well? What was their name?
Happy Wednesday all!